Thanks a million! Applause from Renner Italia employees for Lindo Aldrovandi

19 December 2013

[12.19.2013] Everyone was there. All to say thanks to the person who created Renner Italia 10 years ago. This morning, employees of the multinational company from Minerbio wished to welcome CEO Lindo Aldrovandi with a warm embrace. Aldrovandi is the primary architect of what the employees call an "authentic industrial miracle". This miracle means Renner Italia will end 2013 with a 15.7% increase in revenue (equal to €79,500,000). Aldrovandi, who was visibly moved, explained that Renner Italia's strength is in all the women and men who contribute to its progress on a daily basis. The Renner Italia employees wished to commemorate this moment with a plaque that contains one simple yet heartfelt word: THANKS!
